Home » Top 20 Best Project Management Software For Business In 2022

Top 20 Best Project Management Software For Business In 2022

by Julia
project management software

Project Management Software: Why is project management (PM) so inefficient and time-consuming? Are you still updating spreadsheets, burying yourself in post-its, and attending weekly update meetings? That’s a complete waste of time and energy. With a little help from the correct software application, you can get a thorough picture of your project at a single glance. There is multiple of project management software available these days to help you remain on top of each project.

In this post, we’ll define project management software, detail critical characteristics of project management software functionality to consider when selecting the software for your company, and, of course, provide you with a rundown of the best free project management software available.

What is Project Management Software and How Does It Work?

Project management software is software that is used by a variety of businesses to plan projects, allocate resources, and schedule them. It allows project managers and entire teams to keep track of their budgets, quality management, and all project-related data. This software also acts as a platform for enhancing project stakeholder collaboration.

What characteristics distinguish good project management software?

There is a lot to consider while operating and managing projects, from tracking down deliverables to managing resources, and from budget management to cooperation with team members. This is also true when it comes to selecting the best project management software product. let’s take a look at the top 20 best project management software

1. MeisterTask

project management software

The simple but effective Kanban framework in MeisterTask makes project management a breeze. This clever, simple online task management application is a popular choice for organisations that value clean visual design and user experience because of its vast variety of collaboration possibilities.

Featuring features like watching, mentioning, tagging, and task scheduling, they make collaborating with colleagues in the workplace and at home straightforward and entertaining. MeisterTask also comes with a first-of-its-kind agenda: a customised board where you can pin and arrange tasks from any project. Despite its broad capability, MeisterTask stays quick and logical thanks to a variety of sophisticated automation and strong integrated connections with G Suite, Slack, and GitHub.

2. Basecamp

project management software

Many project management teams utilise Basecamp, which is a popular project management software. This software has various collaboration capabilities, including a dedicated discussion section where users may submit comments. A daily summary of the projects on which your team is working (with statuses and changes) is also delivered to your email. Users can also participate in conversations by email. If you can’t find something, you may use the advanced search engine in this software to locate files or discussions. The absence of milestones and customising choices, as well as the inability to provide an anticipated time for a task or assign it to more than one person, are some of the flaws.

3. Nifty

project management software

By merging all of the main aspects of project management into one piece of software, Nifty is a new-wave project management application that lowers project development cycles and increases team efficiency. The ultimate effect is milestone-driven development that keeps teams motivated while also keeping corporate goals on track. Nifty’s software includes kanban and list views for task management, a built-in calendar that can be connected with Google, and file and document sharing. Collaboration comes naturally on Nifty because each project has its own discussion thread, which encourages project-specific communication. Nifty also includes a Github interface that truly sets it apart from the competition by enabling cross-departmental cooperation like no other.

4. Teamwork Projects

project management software

Teamwork Projects is an excellent project management software for seasoned project managers. Teamwork Projects come with all of the tools you’ll need to keep track of a project’s progress. Task Management, Milestones (e.g., you may link task lists to milestones), Messaging, File Storage, Time Tracking tools, and more are among the app’s many easy features. Teamwork also aids project teams in visualising the project through the use of a marked calendar, Gantt chart, and reporting setup. DropBox, Google Drive, and Box.com all offer file management services.

5. ProofHub

project management software

ProofHub is a project management programme for the web that focuses on simplicity. Small and developing enterprises will benefit the most from this project management software. Groups and clients are allocated to projects, which they may discuss, share, and update. Proofhub also allows users to build unique roles for Gantt charts. The following are some of the subcomponents of ProofHub: Custom Roles, Task Management, Workflows and Boards, Gantt Charts, Reports, Time Tracking, Discussions, Chat, Calendar, File Management, Notes, and in-app alerts are just a few of the features available.

6. Zoho Projects

project management software

Zoho Projects is a powerful project management software with a simple and intuitive UI. This software includes anything from Project Planning (breaking down projects into manageable components) and Gantt Charts (visualising task progress) to Reporting Tools, Collaboration Software (making it easier for consultants, vendors, workers, and customers to communicate) and Document Management. It may also be used in conjunction with Google Apps and Dropbox. Here’s a deeper dive into Zoho.

7. Trello

project management software

Trello is an online kanban tool, which sets it apart from the other project management software. This implies it can visualise a complete project in a single view. Trello allows you to create cards and move them around the ‘board.’ These cards can display a variety of information, such as chats or to-do lists, which can be posted on a board and accessed by any of the specified tools users.

Trello has a free version available (with unlimited boards, lists, cards, and members). It also offers a $9.99/month business class plan with limitless “power-ups,” which are different features and integrations, as well as a $20.83/month enterprise package.


project management software

JIRA is a well-known project management software aimed mostly at agile software development teams. These teams may utilise the software to design bespoke scrum boards, Kanban boards, and employ agile reporting (in real-time). Users may also log bugs, examine open issues, and track time spent on each job. JIRA includes a sophisticated set of APIs that allow users to integrate it with a variety of third-party applications.

9. Asana

project management software


Tasks, projects, discussions, and dashboards are all available in the Asana project management software to keep work organised. According to many pleased users, the flexibility to add customer data and track exactly what is relevant to you is the tool’s most appealing feature. The software also has Team Pages, which allow everyone to access ideas and dialogues, as well as a “Smart Box,” which allows team members to get just critical project updates rather than all communications. It may be linked to a variety of different services, including Google Drive, Dropbox, Github, MailChimp, and others.

10. Monday.com

project management software

Begin by building your own customised process on Monday.com. You can visualise and highlight components like time management, text, and places using this workflow. This application may be shared and used by your whole team, and you can save time by just capturing critical papers and chats.

11. Wrike

project management software

Wrike is a cloud-based project management and collaboration software. This application assists users in keeping track of day-to-day activities and ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget. Wrike may be coupled with other business applications such as Google Apps, Microsoft Excel, Dropbox, and many more for creating tasks.

Emails may also be converted into tasks using the Wrike app. Users may easily create, assign, and modify documents directly from their email account using this email connection.

12. Adobe Workfront

project management software

Adobe Workfront is a user-friendly project management software that provides bespoke project dashboards, real-time reporting, and complete insight into all ongoing activities and processes. It also includes tools for capacity planning and project prioritisation, as well as alerting teams to ongoing activity. Other systems, such as Adobe Creative Cloud, Google Drive, and Microsoft Outlook, can be connected with Workfront.

13. Hubstaff

project management software

Hubstaff is a fantastic solution that uses an agile approach to create automated operations. Hubstaff allows you to focus on your sprints by prioritising work, automating stand-ups, and sharing feedback and project status with your team members.

14. LiquidPlanner

project management software

LiquidPlanner is project management software that automatically adjusts to your business. When a user’s priorities and resources change, for example, the software automatically updates them. This software also provides cross-project visibility, displaying information about project progress, risks, and budgets all at once. Its comprehensive analytics allow users to oversee project performance, examine expenses and profits, and track resource usage, client portfolios, and baseline trends.

15. Clickup

project management software

Process and task management are a breeze with Clickup. You may personalise your workflow, assign tasks, and create various sorts of task dependencies. This tool is ideal for Agile workers. In this tool, you may manage your sprints and resources, assess your team’s workload, and collaborate with other teams.

16. TeamGantt

project management software

TeamGantt is a project management software designed specifically for small organisations. It’s incredibly simple to set up and can be up and running in an hour or two. Users may invite colleagues to a Gantt chart, which they can also alter after they have been allowed access. The only flaws with TeamGantt are the in-app communication and cooperation.

17. Backlog

project management software

Backlog is an organisational project management and collaboration tool for many teams. You can effectively manage projects and tasks, and each team has its own set of tools. Within this one platform, sales teams can track prospects, while development teams may assign issues and evaluate code.

18. Celoxis

project management software

Celoxis is one of the top three project management software in the world. This software is easy to use and understand, with a responsive interface that includes a Gantt chart view of projects and a variety of financial tools for tracking hours and project income. Customers can choose an online version (SaaS), or they can host their own data. This software has a lot of nice features, but its powerful reporting engine, drill-down charts, time-stamped data, and flexible/shareable reports truly stand out.

19. Plutio

project management software

Plutio is a company management tool that allows you to manage projects and tasks, make proposals, and issue invoices all in one place. Plutio helps you stay organised by allowing you to track your time from anywhere and visualise everyone’s time entries in a powerful time sheet.

20. ProjectManager.com

project management software

Last but not least, there’s ProjectManager.com. Task management and timesheets, both of which may be updated remotely, are among the features of this award-winning programme. Gantt charts, project planning elements, and a real-time dashboard are all included in this project management solution.

Choosing your project management software

When selecting project management software, consider aspects such as the size of your company and team, the number of features you require, and which of those functions you value the most. In any case, I believe you’ll find that having such software in place will make your daily work much simpler.

We hope that this review has given you some ideas about which project management software might be best for your company. Please provide any thoughts or suggestions for additional fantastic project management software in the comments section below.

It’s time to start thinking about how you’ll track client satisfaction after you’ve got your project management software up and running. Many of the product management software listed above, including Mopinion, include integration options for various customer feedback software.

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