Twitch emote size procreate: It’s hard for me to think of a social media platform that holds more of a community than twitch emote size procreate. The ability for viewers to interact with a streamer one-on-one and with other viewers in real-time is very fascinating.
One of the most interesting aspects of twitch emote size streams are the Twitch emotes. The ability for users to be able to create twitch emotes size emotes and to share emoticons in chat as a form of communication is mind-blowing. It almost seems as if the twitch emote maker community has created a new universal language between each other with graphics.
twitch emote maker are always changing based on new trends, memes, and cultural events. Since followers are allowed to create their own emoticons, we get questions all the time about free Twitch emote makers and the best twitch emote size procreate emote sizes.
I’ve created a full guide on twitch emote size procreate offline banners, panel sizes, cover photos, but have yet to discuss Twitch emoticons. Here is a full guide on everything you need to know about twitch emote size procreate and the proper twitch emote maker so you can get started on your own!
What is a Twitch Emoticon?
A twitch emote size emoticon is used in a real-time chat by viewers of a twitch emotes size Livestream. Twitch emotes are used as a way to communicate or react to something that is happening in the live stream.
Twitch Emote Size Guidelines
twitch emotes size outlines the full requirements clearly on their website. However, there is a ton of unnecessary information, so I will outline the main Twitch emote guidelines down below:
- You must submit the Twitch emotes in three dimensions (28 x 28, 56 x 56, 112 x 112)
- The images must be PNG. file twitch emote format
- The emote must have a transparent background
- File size cannot exceed 25kb
- No copyrighted images, names, or logos
Free Twitch Emote Maker
Now that you have all the information needed to create an emoticon, you’re probably wondering how exactly can you create a Twitch emote. To keep it simple, you can create Twitch emotes in less than 5 minutes with Snappa.
First off, you want to create a design with the proper Twitch emote size that we discussed. We’ll start with the largest dimensions (112 x 112 pixels) and we will be able to easily resize the design later.

how to make a custom twitch emote
Next, you’ll want to pick an image/icon to use for your emoji. You can search our free stock photo & icon library or you can alternatively upload your own image into Snappa.

Twitch emote images and icons
With the twitch emotes size guidelines in mind, you’ll want to make sure that you remove the background in your images. So if your photo has a background, I would recommend using a tool called remove. bg before uploading the image into Snappa.

transparent background for twitch
Once you have your image and your twitch emote dimensions emote is created, you will need to export the image with the right settings so that it is approved by Twitch. You’ll need to make sure that the “Transparent Background” setting is checked and that you’re exporting the image as a PNG.
Once you have the first emote size, you will need to resize the design with the dimensions 56 x 56 pixels and 28 x 28 pixels and export them with the exact same settings as above. You should have all three of your twitch emote dimensions emotes once all three of them are exported into your downloads!

resize twitch emoji
If you’re looking to optimize and compress the image even more so that it fulfills the 25kb file size requirement. You can use a tool like to reduce the file size.
How Can You Find Custom Emotes for Twitch?
As explained, you can create custom emotes by yourself using tools like Photoshop, or get help from a friend, viewer, or designer. We’ve identified a few places where you can find great custom emotes to download or commission artists to create emotes for your channel.
1. Twitch Emotes
With an exhaustive list of free custom emotes released every day, Twitch Emotes makes emote sourcing very easy for you. All you have to do is select the emotes you want to use and obtain permission from the content creator who uploaded them on the site.
Reddit has communities or subreddits for almost all topics under the sun. We recommend you to take a look at these two subreddits, where designers and content creators discuss and collaborate on Twitch emote.
Go through the megathreads on these subreddits and you’ll likely find people who are sharing their work free of cost or at negotiable rates.
3. Better Twitch TV (BTTV)
This is a free extension that you can plug into your Twitch account. It offers a huge repository of professional-looking emotes. The “Top Emotes” section of BTTV contains emotes that can be used in other applications apart from Twitch.
4. Commission Artists on Twitch
You can find freelancing emote artists on Twitch itself. In the Art community, you’ll find a number of streamers who also design emotes for other streamers. You can go through their portfolios and ask them for a quote.
5. Fiverr for Twitch
On Fiverr, you can find experienced twitch emote size designers with varied prices. While posting your requirements, be precise about your expectations, including price and deadlines.
How to Create Appealing Emotes Using GIMP
There are many photo-editing applications that can be used to create great-looking custom emotes. Most websites have demos that walk you through the process of twitch emote size-making. We will be explaining step-by-step how to make emotes using one of the most popular tools, GIMP.
Step 1: Install GIMP
GIMP is a free photo editor by Adobe Photoshop. It supports transparent background images, which makes it an ideal tool for creating emotes for twitch emote size. The first thing you have to do is to visit and install GIMP on your computer or smartphone.
Steps 2: Open GIMP
It will be located in your computer’s “Start” menu or phone’s “Application” folder.
Step 3: Create a New File
Click on the “File” menu in the app’s top bar. A drop-down menu will appear. Select the “New” option.
Step 4: Specify Emote Dimensions
A pop-up titled “Create a New Image” will appear. Type or select “112” in both the “Width” and “Height” fields. We will create the largest emote first so that the aspect ratio doesn’t get affected when we scale down our emote.
Step 5: Access Advanced Settings
Click on the “Advanced Settings” button at the bottom of the pop-up.
Step 6: Make the Emote Background Transparent
Select “Transparency” in the “Fill with” drop-down menu.
Step 7: Create Your Emote
You can copy-paste images to GIMP, and then add text to create your emote designs.
Step 8: Save Your Emote Design
Click the “File” menu and select “Save As.” In the Save As pop-up that appears, give a name to your emote file and save it as PNG.
Step 9: Create the Other Size Variants
To create the other two image sizes, you will have to resize your canvas twice. Click on the “Image” menu and select “Canvas Size” from the drop-down menu that appears.
Step 10: Set New Image Dimensions
In the pop-up that appears, set the “Height” and “Width” as 56px. Then, click the “Resize” button. A preview of the resized canvas appears in the bottom part of the pop-up.
Step 11: Save the New Image Files
Repeat step 8 for saving the new image files.
Step 12: Upload Your Emotes to Twitch
After creating all the custom emotes you need, head over to the twitch emote size website. After logging into twitch emote size, click on your avatar in the top-right corner.
Step 13: Access Your Dashboard
As you click on your avatar, a drop-down menu will appear. From there, select “Creator Dashboard.”
Step 14: Access Settings
A new page titled “Dashboard” will appear. In the left pane of this page, select “Affiliates” or “Partners,” which is available under “Settings.”
Step 15: Access Emotes Page
Click on “twitch emote size” which displays under “Subscriptions” in the center of the interface.
Step 16: Upload Your Emotes
A “+” sign displays in the twitch emote size page that appears now. Click on it and select the emote images you just created. For editing the emote properties, click on the “Edit” button that displays on the right-hand side. Repeat this step to upload all the custom emote designs that you want to make available to your viewers.