Smartphones that add ringtone to iPhone aren’t something most people think about until they hear one on their phone and want to change it right away. The iPhone comes with a variety of ringtones, but because we hear them all the time, they can become irritating and boring. It’s comforting to know that there are more ringtone selections available than I have five varied but limited selections.
Try making your own original add ringtone to iPhone if you’re looking for something new and different. You may use any song or sound to make an arresting ringtone, and you can even attach tones to individual people so you can tell who is contacting you by the ring. Keep in mind that ringtones are limited to 30 seconds in length. You can use audio from the Voice Memos app as personalised ringtones in addition to music.
We’ve all had the add ringtone to iPhone problem when no matter how many tones you have on your iPhone, none of them sound exactly right. Perhaps you’d like to hear the theme song for your favourite fictional detective or some dialogue from your favourite television show. Perhaps you’d prefer to listen to a specific piece of music. It’s no problem. It’s simple to turn an audio file into an iPhone ringtone if you have one.
The only thing you’ll need is the music app (add ringtone to iPhone on older Macs and on Windows PCs). Before we begin, make sure the audio file you’ll be using is (a) on your computer and (b) not an Apple Music track—that is, a song you’re streaming via Apple Music as part of your membership. You won’t be able to convert them on Apple.
Important Tips To Add Ringtone to iPhone
A few things to keep in mind when making tunes add ringtone to iphone:
1. As a rule, only.m4r files can be used as ringtones on iOS. GarageBand will convert them to the proper format for you. However, there are several software available to convert your audio file to the m4r format, such as and
2. Ringtones should last at least 30 seconds.
3. By renaming the file extension, you can convert.m4a to.m4r.
The file for the custom ringtone must be saved in the Files app.
Create a ringtone using Apple Music or iTunes
Which operating system your Mac runs determines whether you utilize iTunes or Music. You’ll need iPhone 5s if you’re on MacOS High Sierra or earlier, or if you’re on a Windows PC. Music will be used starting with macOS Catalina.
Before you begin, make sure that all of your iPhone 5s software is up to date by checking for updates to both your operating system and iTunes or Music. Click iTunes in the application toolbar and select Check for Updates from the resulting drop-down menu on macOS High Sierra or earlier to check. If you’re using Windows 10, go to the Help menu bar below the playback buttons and pick Check for Updates near the bottom of the resulting drop-down list.
Launch the App Store app and select Updates from the App Store toolbar if you’re using macOS Catalina or later. If necessary, use the Update button to download and install the most recent version. Depending on how old your music is, you may need to remove the digital rights management (DRM) protection first before using it as a ringtone. Also, make sure the song you want to listen to has been downloaded to your Mac. If your song has a download icon next to it, it means it is stored in the cloud; if it is, click to download it to your hard drive.
The procedure of making ringtones in iTunes and Music is the same, but where you put them depends on which MacOS you’re using. Despite the fact that the ringtone maximum is 30 seconds, with MacOS Catalina or later, it may be recommended to keep it to 29 seconds or less for the best effects.
Make Custom Ringtone for iPhone Using iTunes or Music App
If you are using a desktop with Windows or macOS Mojave and earlier, use add ringtone to iphone 5, or consider using Music App for macOS Catalina and later. In either scenario, the steps are identical.
- Inside the Music app or iTunes, locate the song of which you wish to create a ringtone. It can be a purchased track from the iTunes store or downloaded from elsewhere. Please note that Apple Music songs are DRM-protected and can not be used to create a ringtone.
- Right-click on the song and select Get Info. In iTunes for Windows, it is called Song Info.
- Choose the Options tab. Check the box for ‘start‘ and ‘stop‘ and enter the song’s desired segment. This will be the starting point and endpoint of your ringtone. Make sure it does not exceed 40 seconds. Finally, click on ‘OK.’Important: The time duration between ‘start’ and ‘stop’ must strictly be up to 40 seconds. If it is more than this, the ringtone won’t be reflected. Further, if you plan to use this as an alert tone for messages, emails, etc. then the duration must be 30 seconds or less.
- Click to select the song. Now, from the menu bar, click on File → Convert → Create AAC Version.
This new version will have the same name as the original song. However, its duration will be less than 40 or 30 seconds (as chosen by you).
- Right-click on this new version of the song and select Show in Finder.
On Windows PC, click on Show in Windows Explorer.
- iPhone recognizes only .m4r as a ringtone. So, we will have to rename this audio file’s extension. To do this, right-click on the file and choose Rename. Change .m4a to .m4r → From the popup, click on Use .m4r. You have successfully created the ringtone. Now, we need to transfer it to the iPhone.
- Use a Lightning cable to connect your iPhone with the computer. On macOS Catalina and later, open Finder, and from the left sidebar, click on your device’s name. Click on Trust. Now unlock your iPhone and enter its passcode. To ‘Trust’ on Windows PC and older Macs, open iTunes. Click Continue. After that, unlock your iPhone and enter its passcode.
- From the General tab inside Finder or iTunes, check the box to Manually manage music, movies, and TV shows. Click on Apply.
- Drag the .m4r ringtone file on the iPhone’s sync window inside Finder or Music app. In iTunes, click on Tones under ‘On My Device’ and drag the file here. Now, let us see how to set this song as your ringtone on the iPhone.
How to Trim a Ringtone on iPhone
Another way to create a custom add ringtone to iphone is to use the Ringtones Maker app.
- Add the video to the app, then tap “Clip” to trim the audio to the desired length.
- Tap “Make” and choose “GarageBand” from the list of available apps.

- The song will appear in the GarageBand app’s “Recents” section. Hold it and go to “Share → Ringtone → Export.” Don’t be intimidated; the app provides step-by-step instructions for making ringtones. You can use this app to import sound from videos, upload files from your computer, and record audio.
How to Set a Song as a Ringtone on iPhone
- Open the Settings app and tap on Sounds & Haptics.
- Tap on Ringtone. You will see your custom tone at the top of the list. Tap on it to set it as your ringtone.
If the duration is less than 30 seconds, you can use this custom tone as text tone, new mail tone, reminder alerts, etc. To delete this ringtone, swipe right to left on it and tap on ‘Delete.’
How to set any song as ringtone on iPhone manual
Before we dive in, let’s learn to add ringtone to iphone what’s required.
- GarageBand application installed from App store
- Music files that want to convert to a ringtone on your APPLE iPhone 5 storage.
(Protected songs (like from Apple Music) and songs not stored locally on your iPhone 5 can not be used)
Let’s start a manual:
- Open add ringtone to iphone on your computer.
- To return to the usual program interface, press the continue button twice and then the allow button.
- Several instruments, such as a keyboard, drums, and amplifier, can be found here.
Any instrument can be tapped. The keyboard is what we utilize. - Play a few seconds on the instrument by pressing the red record button.
- To stop the instrument from playing, press the green triangle button.
- Select the editor button, which resembles a brick wall. The editor’s menu has been opened.
Then, on the upper right, hit the tiny plus (+) icon to select the length of the ringtone. (Keep in mind that while exporting, add ringtone to iPhone will automatically cut and set the duration of your ringtone to 30 seconds.)